Banca Transilvania Logo History

Corporate identity

The imagine identity's creation is not an occasional activity, but a permanent one. Its most significant feature is that "we do not sell once and for all". This image, also known as "reputation", is formed on the grounds of a corporate identity.

Starting with January 2003, Banca Transilvania has a new corporate identity, its brand becoming stronger. Banca Transilvania's brand resulting from the interaction with its customers, an outstanding business relation leading to an enhanced brand

The name of the bank

The resonant name TRANSILVANIA was chosen, not only for the historical facts, but for its defining elements like: reliability, stability and values' preservation, all these features being rooted in the relationship the bank has with its clients. Moreover, Banca Transilvania's headquarter is located in Cluj, the hearth of Transylvania .

Bank's trade mark
The bank's logo symbolising a shield, has as a metaphorical meaning the preservation of customers' money and interests. Besides the logo, on the bank's trade mark we have two lines, in the bank's colours, black and yellow, suggesting all the elements of the corporate identity and expressing continuity, stability and ambition.

The elements of the trade mark are:
- bank's name
- logo (shield)

- acronyms (BT)
- the two lines at the bottom of the shield- a recurrent element of Banca Transilvania's corporate identity
- bank colors: yellow and black

Bank colors
Banca Transilvania's colors are yellow and black, a powerful contrasts combination.
The psychological message of the colors is:
- yellow: distinction, trust, warmth
- black: credibility, loyalty, authority



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