I Love NY Logo History

born 26. 6. 1929 in New York. 1955'74: editor and co-art director of the "Push Pin Graphic" magazine ( with Reynold Ruffins and Seymour Chwast). During the 1960s, Glaser created images of flat shapes formed by thin, black ink contour lines with color added by adhesive color films. His minimal drawing style echoed the iconography of comic books or the dynamic of contemporary Pop Art. His approach to sign and symbol is seen in the 1968 ''One Print One Painting''exhibition poster.1974: founder and president of Milton Glaser Inc., New York. The work produced at this studio encompasses a wide range of design disciplines. He re-designs numerous magazines, such as "Paris Match", "L'Express" and "Esquire". Much of his work has become internationally famous,like his Bob Dylan poster for CBS Records (1966) or the "I love New York" logo design for the New York State Department of Commerce (1973).


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