University of Milano - Bicocca Logo History

For the choice of logo, the university has to thank Professor Pasquale Tucci, full professor of the History of Physics, whose studies were presented to Professor Marcello Fontanesi, then President of the Mathematics, Physics and Natural Science Faculty before being nominated President of the "Comitato Ordinatore" (Founding Committee). The symbol was meant to evoke the spirit of change in continuity and, at the same time, be simple and innovative compared to academic symbols used in the past.
Among the varied proposals made the most valid were:

LOGARITHMIC SPIRAL with Eadem Mutata Resurgo motto

The motto comes from Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705) who studied the characteristics of the curve. A particular development of the curve is attributed to the sculptor Fidi.
In nature many organisms have a structure which can be found in the volumetric logarithmic spiral by assigning the same law of the variation of the radius, which generates the spiral to a perpendicular dimension in a single plane. Some examples in nature are the projection of a single plane of tree branches which creates a logarithmic spiral; the distribution of sunflower seeds; shells (Nautilus, Telescoptum).
The image has a double value, with the Latin words it evokes change in continuity and its diffusion in many natural objects evidences the character of the continuity between geometric mathematical representation and natural phenomena, which are apparently bizarre and difficult to lead back to mathematical laws.

The symbol recalls the tradition in which the orbits of planets were related to the musical scale. The instrument is played by Pan.
Kapler obtained his third law (harmonics) with considerations on music and published a book on the theory of sound.
The symbol, from a graphical point of view is beautiful. It has a scientific connection and is also welcoming, with a call to fruitfulness (fertility of mind) and abundance.

This image comes from Sidereus Nuncius by Galileo, published in 1610, where the use of scientific binoculars is made for the first time. With this instrument Gallileo discovered that not all celestial bodies in movement went around the earth but that four satellites went around Jupiter. The discovery of Galileo was immediately interpreted as favourable to the Copernican theory and contrary to the Ptolemaic one. The image is a symbol of the great change and is a strong conceptual break, but at the same time is well rooted in the academic tradition. From a graphical point of view the drawing should be elaborated with an ellipse to communicate the contents better.

The sun has been the symbol of life since prehistoric times and has been used in many religious and cultural contexts. From 1400 to 1500 the sun was associated with alchemistic and esoteric practices.
Since the De Revolutionibus (1543) by Copernicus, the sun was also considered the centre of the universe.
With Newton, the sun became the motor of the Universe.
It is a reassuring symbol which recalls an antique tradition and is also transversal to different cultures.

The square however, represented only the aspect of the physical collocation and not also the ambition to be a propulsive part of the "development" of the knowledge and wisdom of Milan. To unite the concept of the "knowledge" of "Milan", we searched for a recognized, indisputable and international symbol, to represent "wisdom" and "Milan".
From here, the choice of Leonardo da Vinci was made, who represents the synthesis of science, art and technology and who lived and worked in Milan.
From the "De Divina Proportione", a study of the geometry of forms, written in 1498 with the mathematician Luca Pacioli, the octahedron was chosen to represent the multi-disciplines that exist in Bicocca.

The Leonardo da Vinci drawing was cleaned of its intermediate lines and was structured in order to enhance the aspect of geometric creation.
The octahedron, slightly lightened, has become the background texture to break the static aspects and communicate the future.
The drawing is surrounded by the text with the name of the University. In reproductions with the base greater than 30 centimetres (posters, folders and flags) "AUDENTES FORTUNA IUVAT" is inserted on the smaller side of the logo.

A brief description in Flash illustrates the above.

Janus with two faces has been used for the commemorative medals of the university.



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